
What is the Sentiment Analysis? Use Case, Challenges, Benefits, and More.

  We can surely tell that with the development of e-commerce, SaaS tools, and digital technologies, sentiment analysis is growing the thing. Let’s see what sentiment analysis is. After a fast look into  Google Trends , we can see that sentiment analysis has grown more and more popular over the years. In this blog post, I’ll explain: What is the Sentiment Analysis? Why Sentiment Analysis is Important? How Sentiment Analysis is Done? Challenges of Sentiment Analysis Use Case of Sentiment Analysis. Benefits of Sentiment Analysis. What is the Sentiment Analysis? It is a process for calculating the opinions of individuals or groups. Such as a segment of a brand’s audience or an individual customer in communication with a customer support agent. Based on a scoring device, It monitors conversations and evaluates language and voice inflections to quantify attitudes, opinions, and emotions related to a business, product or service, or topic. It is also known as  opinion mining . As part of the

Types of Sentiment Analysis? And Why do you need Sentiment Analysis?

  Sentiment Analysis is performed by splitting the text into individual entities such as phrases, words, or sentences. After this, the related topic to each word is identified and the score is assigned. What is the Sentiment Analysis? In short, it helps identify the feelings of the customers using emoticons, texts, or images. It helps data analysts to conduct  market research , understand the reputation of a product, get public opinion, monitor their brand value, and understand their customer experience. When used effectively, it can be used to analyze social media streams and gauge public opinion. It can help you gather information on different aspects of the business as shown below. What is the Sentiment Analysis? Sentiment Analysis is simply gauging the feelings behind a piece of content or the attitude towards a piece of content whether it’s an article, comment, or  opinion . At the most basic level, sentiment-analysis  tools classify pieces of text as positive, negative, or neutra